Wistman’s Woods
We set off from the Two Bridges Hotel (where we had just checked in to) in a hail storm. The staff said that we must be mad. The storm passed as we left the car park. We got a real stomp on as Wistman’s was a few miles away and it wasn’t long until sunset.

The Enchanting Art of Scrying Mirrors
Scrying, an ancient divination practice, beckons seekers into the mystical realms of insight and revelation. Among the diverse tools employed in this art, the scrying mirror stands as a captivating portal to the unseen.

Green Man and Sacred Synthesis: Pagan Symbols in Christian England
The Green Man, a foliate-faced figure adorned with leaves and foliage, is an emblematic symbol deeply rooted in pagan traditions. In a fascinating tapestry of cultural synthesis, this ancient icon not only survived but thrived in Christian England, finding a home in ecclesiastical architecture, manuscripts, and folklore.

Leonora Carrington: Artistic Alchemy and Occult Explorations
Leonora Carrington, a surrealist painter and writer, emerges as a captivating figure in the realm of art, delving fearlessly into the esoteric worlds of alchemy and the occult.

John Dee and Shew Stones: Unveiling Mystical Insights
Dee believed that by gazing into these reflective surfaces, he could establish a communication channel with angels and spirits, gaining insights into the mysteries of the universe.

William Blake's 'Europe a Prophecy': Unveiling Mystical Vision and Revolutionary Spirit
'Europe a Prophecy,' penned by the visionary poet and artist William Blake, stands as a profound exploration of mysticism, political upheaval, and spiritual revolution.
The Mystical 'Melong': Insights into its Role in Tibetan Shamanism
Tibetan shamanism, deeply intertwined with the spiritual fabric of the region, encompasses a rich tapestry of rituals, symbols, and tools. Among these, the 'Melong,' also known as the 'Tibetan Oracle Mirror,' emerges as a fascinating and potent instrument used by practitioners to access the realms of the divine and seek guidance from the spirit world.

Austin Osman Spare: Pioneering Automatic Drawing in the Occult Arts
Austin Osman Spare, born in 1886, emerged as a trailblazer in the realm of occultism, leaving an indelible mark through his innovative approach to automatic drawing.